Positive Behavior Intervention Support
The Malley Drive staff is committed to helping all students develop appropriate social behaviors and good citizenship skills. Clear, timely, and consistently applied methods help provide a safe learning environment in which all children can learn. The Malley Drive staff is committed to the Positive Behavior Intervention Support or PBIS Program for developing and implementing a positive behavioral system. This program has eight practices of school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention Support which are:
- Establish Administrative Leadership
- Develop Team-Based Implementation
- Define Behavioral Expectations which are concrete positive behaviors that every student can remember
- Teach Behavioral Expectations
- Acknowledge and reward appropriate behavior
- Monitor and correct behavioral errors
- Use information for decision making
- Build parent collaboration
Primary Discipline Responsibilities
Primary responsibility for discipline will rest with the instructional staff:
- Classroom teachers will handle incidents within the classroom and transition times
- Outside the classroom, any teacher will discipline a child who is inappropriate and may not be under the direct supervision of his/her regular teacher
- Major or on-going infractions will be referred to the school administrator
Positive Reinforcement Programs
Mustang Bucks—Students will receive “Mustang Bucks” for academic achievement, positive behaviors, good citizenship or any other behavior that positively represents the Malley Drive expectations. The Mustang Bucks will be turned in for rewards at our Mustang Corral on a regular basis.
Stang Stamps—Classes earning Stang Stamps have opportunities to earn positive rewards such as extra recess. As classes, they decide on their reward once they receive stamps in increments of 10.
Positive Office Referrals– Students are nominated by staff members for Positive Office Referrals when they go above and beyond Malley’s expectations. They will receive a scented pencil and eraser.